Plugin for 3D Studio Max R9
+ Darkling Simulations has released SimbiontMAX update for 3ds Max R9 64-bit and 32-bit. Simbionts are Plugins for rendering DarkTree procedural shaders, 3D maps, and materials in 3d studio Max as well as other leading 3D software packages including Cinema4D, Lightwave3D, trueSpace and Renderman. DarkTree is an advanced procedural shaders authoring tool, used for creating surface shaders and photorealistic textures, interactively. DarkTree textures and shaders can be saved out as bitmaps or imported into a 3D application, by using free Simbiont Plugins. The Simbiont Plugins and it's update is free for licensed DarkTree users. Non-Darktree owners are free to download Simbionts Plugins and can use them; with the example shaders available on their website.
>> Download Simbiont for 3dsMax 9